Friday 14 March 2014

Road Trip to Cochabamba - Bolivia

Hello everybody!

Last week i took a small weekend trip to the beautiful city of Cochabamba, wich is in Bolivia, for the "Corso de Corsos".
The trip there by car lasts from 7 to 8 hours, so we had to prepare to get bored, have a little body/head ache & hope nothing went wrong(wich luckily didn't).

We departed on a cold friday morning at 6:30 AM and got there at around 2:00 PM, it was pretty awful, since there were not only one, but two crying babies traveling with us. 
My cousin Gaby & i really loved our headphones at that point haha.

After settling in my granny's house we went out to eat & take a walk watching the citizens preparing the street for the Corso de Corsos.

The next day we did some shoppin', i got a few new additions for my closet (wich i'll show you in another post) & some accessories (again..wait for the post haha).
We then had luch at a pretty comfy restaurant & departed to the Corso, were my grandma was waiting for us to watch my brother dance the caporales. My cousin & I were really tired & wet(it's a tradition to play with water -.-) so we went home.

The return was better compared to the departure. There were no crying babies & also it was sunset time, so we got to see the beautiful sunset & we could sleep after it too.

Anyway, i took some pics of the beautiful views we got to see & i think they deserve to be seen by many, so i'll now share them with you.

Enjoy! (:

 This is the only one i used a filter on:

Beautiful, isn't it?

When was the las time you traveled?
Did you like the place were you went?

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1 comment:

  1. Hope you had an amazing time, the last place I traveled was to Scotland from England - which isn't that far to be honest, only about 6 hours!

    Christina | Passion Obsession
